
Public DMPs

Public DMPs are plans created using the DMPTuuli service and shared publicly by their owners. They are not vetted for quality, completeness, or adherence to funder guidelines.

Project Title  Template  Organisation Owner Download
Dialogitaidoilla tulevaisuutta rakentamassa - toimintatutkimus opinto- ja uraohjauksen opiskelijoiden tulevaisuusajattelun kehittymisestä General Finnish DMP template Jamk University of Applied Sciences Riikka Michelsson (new window) Opens in new window
Becoming through plants: Ayahuasca rituals and ethical self-making among the indigenous peoples of northeastern Peru General Finnish DMP template University of Helsinki Sidney Castillo (new window) Opens in new window
Survey on attitudes to LGBTQ+ populations by social work students General Finnish DMP template University of Helsinki Kris Clarke (new window) Opens in new window
Aineistonhallintasuunnitelma General Finnish DMP template Tampere University of Applied Sciences Anna Repo (new window) Opens in new window
Indigenization and Californian Central Coast Museums General Finnish DMP template University of Helsinki Sonja Salminiitty (new window) Opens in new window
Kriisit, korkeakoulujohtaminen ja -työ: miten korkeakoulut voivat toimia paremmin kriiseissä? General Finnish DMP template University of Jyväskylä Marc Perkins (new window) Opens in new window
Humanizing Non-human Actors in Customer Interactions General Finnish DMP template Hanken School of Economics Hoang Khuat (new window) Opens in new window
Noise and room acoustics – risk factors for voice disorders among music therapists? General Finnish DMP template Åbo Akademi University Leena Maria Heikkola (new window) Opens in new window
Physical activity and exercise for young people with cerebral palsy: understanding mechanisms and providing evidence of efficacy (EXECP) General Finnish DMP template University of Jyväskylä Taija Juutinen (new window) Opens in new window
Citizens as Climate Actors: Engaging Together in Mitigation and Adaptation (CICLA) FIRI Data Management Policy University of Vaasa Tommi Lehtonen (new window) Opens in new window